The Dilemma Facing Christian Ministers
Jonathan Kithcart

B. Childress
May 23 2011

We now arrive at the real problem regarding the doctrine of tithing.  The matter actually has nothing to do with the need
to raise funds to support evangelistic and church activities.  It ought to be a foregone conclusion that any minister and
church organization that is benefiting the Christians they serve ought to be supported (even generously) by those who
associate with the organization and love Christ and his teachings.  This is especially so if those Christians are being
properly edified and educated in the real teachings of the Holy Scriptures.  There is nothing wrong in raising funds for
Christian activities but it should be done in accordance with biblical principles, not by misusing the tithing laws of the

The problem is the method that is being used by ministers and churches to raise funds.
 Authorities should not use
deceptive methods to gain funds by teaching tithe today
.  Such a method for raising funds is totally counter to
biblical teaching.

Let's face it: if ministers or preachers wish to use the biblical tithe, then they ought to follow biblical directions for its use
in a precise way.  The trouble is, it is now impossible to put into action the biblical tithe in the way the Bible describes
that it should be used.  This is where the difficulty arises.  We will show in this book just what the laws of the biblical tithe
are, and without doubt not one of them is being used by the preachers today in the manner the Bible commands. They
simply make up their own minds which way to use the tithe and then they manufacture their own regulations regarding
it.  This is not using the Bible as a book of direction.  It is going absolutely counter to it!

Ministers who teach that God commands Christians to pay the biblical tithe to them or their churches (and citing some
scriptural verses on tithing to support their claims) are taking biblical teachings out of context and making God teach
something he has never taught.  This tactic is
outright deception on the part of those ministers.  Sadly, this procedure is
being used on a wide scale today and the ministers are brazenly showing an attitude of arrogance in regard to this
erroneous teaching.

It is this reckless application of biblical laws that do not apply to modern Christians that is the difficulty.  It is really an
attitude problem with the preachers.  The wrong attitudes of many ministers on the question of tithing are so engraved
in stone that they think nothing of telling Christians that they must pay them the biblical tithe or suffer the consequences
of God's wrath for their so-called "disobedience" to God.  Such teaching is an outrageous example of the misuse (or
abuse) of scriptural doctrine.  In no way is their teaching correct.  There are strict laws that govern and regulate the
biblical tithe and these must be obeyed to the letter if one wishes to abide by the biblical revelation that many preachers
do.  The fact is that most of the preachers and priests are not even close to abiding by the tithing laws of the Bible when
they use them to get funds to operate their Christian work.  Sadly they usually perform their tasks without the slightest
blushing for their transgressions of biblical law.

Look at the example of the commission that God gave to the prophet Jonah when he was told to go and teach
repentance to the Assyrians some nine centuries before the birth of Christ.  All preachers know this story of Jonah and
the fish and the commission God gave to the prophet.  They also know and teach the particular commission God gave
to the prophet, and they also know and teach that the particular commission God gave to Jonah pertained to him, and
to him alone.  Indeed, most preachers would readily censure a church member who would read the Book of Jonah and
apply its precise message to himself today.

Let us say a lay person who read Jonah went to a minister and said that God had given the same commission to teach
repentance to the Assyrians in this modern era.  The minister would no doubt ask where he got knowledge of this
commission and the man would reply that he read it in the book of Jonah.  But the minister would rightly tell the man that
God gave that commission to Jonah 3,000 years ago.  The commission could hardly be repeated today for even the
Assyrians to whom Jonah was to preach long ago perished from the earth.  There is nothing in the text that would
suggest that any modern person could be selected to do the same thing that Jonah did.

Yes, the minister would be correct in telling the man the error of his ways by taking the teaching of the book of Jonah
out of context and misdirecting to himself.  But, strangely, this is what ministers do when they apply the tithing laws to
themselves (and not to the ancient Levites to whom the commission exclusively belonged).

It is often claimed by modern preachers that they are the ones who are now doing the work of the Levites.  Some claim
they are the modern "Levites" (a title they have appropriated to themselves by their own authority) and all the teachings
about the ancient Levites now pertain in principle, they say, to modern Christian ministers.  It is utter nonsense to claim
such a thing.  The man who claimed the commission of Jonah was doing the same thing, and it was also wrong.

This flagrant misapplication of the Scriptures by modern Christian ministers concerning the biblical laws of tithing needs
to cease.  They should give up their erroneous methods (their illegal ways) for gathering monies to themselves to
support their religious activities and return to the true biblical manner for Christians to finance their work.

What our modern religious leaders really need to do is to change their
attitudes and quit deceiving the people on this
matter of tithing.  It is really recklessness in misapplying the laws of the Bible that is at issue.  Their flippancy in taking
Scriptures out of context and erroneously applying them to themselves to support their denominational teachings shows
a non-caring
attitude to what God has written in His sacred Word.  Showing such an attitude in regard to the laws of
tithing indicates that they may also do the same thing with other important doctrinal teachings of the Bible.  Modern
preachers and priests need to abandon this false and slipshod method of using (misusing) the Scriptures, and get back
to a careful and accurate teaching of the doctrines of God.

Let me make it plain.  From the biblical point of view, the ministers are stealing from the Levites the tithe that was
designed to go to them (and exclusively to
them), and the lay persons who give the ministers the tithe that should be
going to the Levites are equally guilty by giving the sacred tithe to the wrong people.  This activity is a disrespectful
approach to (and a violation of) the laws of God.  It shows an
attitude of carelessness with the explicit commands of God.


DID THE APOSTLE PAUL TEACH TITHING TO THE CHURCH?, by Jonathan Kithcart, Copyright 2001, WinePress