Vision 1 of 5 The Bridge by Bill Burns December 21, 2008 9:50:26 A.M. Faith Tabernacle P. O. Box 1148 Kremmling, Colorado 80459 In a vision I saw a bridge that the Lord was building, and then that vision has expanded so that I saw more of the details of what was taking place. I saw a city, and I asked the Lord, "What City is this?" The Master answered, "The name of this city is Christian City; it represents the church. But, it will soon be called Babylon." He then asked me a question, "What are they doing?" I quickly went from house to house, and then I gave this report: They are watching television and the news reports about the election results in America, and they are discussing what will come of all of this. The Lord then said, "What did you learn from watching?" I replied, "American is divided." He then said, "As it is in the natural, so it will be with the church. Watch and learn." As I watched, an angel flew over the city and cried out with a loud voice, "Come out of her, you people of the Lord, for the Master is calling you to come out from among them and touch not the unclean things of this world. The time is short; come and follow your Jesus." I watched in amazement, for most of those in the city were to engrossed with the cares of their world to answer the call. However, some had listened, and some had obeyed, and they came forth from the city. As they gathered together for the journey I noticed that each one brought their baggage with them. Some carried only a brief case; some had a couple of suitcases; some were pulling a small cart filled with an assortment of bags. The angel then called to the people and told them to follow the trail called "Zion's Way" to the top of the mountain. The people obeyed and followed the ancient pathway to the top of the mountain. It was quite a hard journey for those who were pulling carts because the path was narrow, and it was also steep. They all made it to the top of the mountain, but they came to a deep canyon, and they could proceed no further. They camped there not knowing what to do. At this point the Lord began to speak to them, and this is what He said: "You are here because you have each desired to know Me, and this is why you were able to hear Me. That is why you have obeyed the command to follow Me. Many of you desire to know me better than you do now. You have often struggled because of unbelief, but as you cross over this canyon, your desires shall be fulfilled. The name of the mountain that you are camped on is called Second Day. The mountain across the canyon is Mount Zion. That is your destination." Some of those in the camp said, "But, Lord, how shall we cross over?" The Master replied, "Examine yourselves now. Do any of you have any faith? I say that all things are possible with God. Do you have any faith?" A few of the people said, "Yes, Lord, we believe that if you want us to go to Zion, then you will make a way." The Lord of Hosts then commanded the angels to gather up the faith of those who had spoken and said, "Build My bridge." The angels then brought the faith of those who spoke to the edge of the canyon and began to build. As the angels picked up the faith of the people, their faith took on the shape of various sizes of bricks, depending on the faith that was produced. As the angels set the bricks in place, the Master Builder (Jesus) would bind them together with a substance which I knew was His glory. As His glory touched each brick, the bricks became larger, and the work was begun. This work quickened the faith of the people, and soon shouts of faith were heard throughout the camp, and more building bricks were produced. The work was progressing quite well when an angel came and posted a sign at the gateway to the bridge which read: "This bridge leads to Zion. As you cross over, you will enter into the Third Day. The name of the bridge is the Narrow Way, and you cannot take any of your baggage with you." The bridge was, indeed, very narrow and had hand rails on it that would not allow any baggage to be carried across it. The bridge was designed so that it was necessary that one's hands remain in contact with the rails to insure a safe journey. The name of the rails was hope. At this point I began to see that each piece of baggage had a name on it. I saw bondage and unbelief labels on some, and others were called compromise, works of the flesh, fear, and many other things that had become attachments to this world. I had also noticed that those who carried brief cases had never set them down...not even for a moment. The labels on the brief cases were identifying different kinds of ministries. The Master then spoke, "This canyon represents a further place of division. The baggage that you have brought with you belongs to the Second Day, and you cannot bring it with you. You must decide, for those things cannot be brought into the Third Day. If you will leave your baggage and cross over by faith, I will deliver you from the bondages of the Second Day and bring you into the glory of the Third Day where all things become new. This is the time of the Great Crossover. Come, My people, for the bridge is finished. Cross over now before the night comes and the way cannot be found. Forget those things which are behind you, and press forward into a bright and glorious new day." To my delight, most of the people who had followed the Master to the mountain top crossed over. They left their baggage, and by faith crossed the bridge. But, not all; some could not bear to give up their possessions, and like the rich young ruler they went back down the mountain, back to Babylon and bondage. The sun was now setting, and back down the valley I could see the dim lights of the city. It was now time for me to also cross the bridge. As I reached the other side of the canyon, the darkness was behind me, and I could see a great light before me. This was the light of Zion, the city set upon the mountain of the Lord. The echo of the Master's words have persuaded me, "Cross over; cross over now, for deep darkness is coming upon the earth, but the light of My glory shall rest upon My people." What about you? Will you lay aside your baggage and the sin that so easily besets you? Will you come and cross over the bridge of faith? Will you come to the mountain of the Lord? Micah 4:1-2--Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord's house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and peoples shall flow to it. Many nations shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. |